Friday, February 27, 2009

Nicaragua Day 6

i only have a couple min on the computer to explain our situation so i will make it brief. Leon started rioting last night and this morning there was alot of civil unrest. There was alot of shooting and even some bombs (we think). We are fleeing the city right now and will hopefully get to managua where we can get a flight out of the country. JK. I am NOT being serious. There are no guns and no bombs, but we are leaving leon to head to the coast. We found a place that we can rent a tent on the beach for $1.50 a night. I do not know if we will have internet there so this may be our last post for a while. Keep us in your prayers and remember that i was joking about the guns and unrest. The country is relatively stable and loves tourists. WE ARE FINE! do not start freaking out and try to get ahold of the us embassy to make sure we are ok. if we do not post more blogs it is because we are in a remote area and do not have internet, NOT because we are being held hostage. Unless you see us on the news dont worry. We love you all and cant wait to share our experiences with you.

Ok, so here is the real story. The Ragee' party lasted till 3am last night and we got very limited sleep. When we woke up we decided to try and make it to La Penitas which is right on the coast. We packed our bags and checked out before 11am. We had to run to the bank to get money because La Penitas doesnt have banks or really anything other than a few restaurants and some hostels.
Trying to get out of the heat of Leon
We found a cool church to take shelter under
We caught a cab to the small bus station on the outskirts of Leon and boarded the bus to the coast. As is customary in Nicaragua we waited until the bus was completely full before we left, so we were about 40min late in leaving. The ride was very dry and very dusty and with the windows down in the bus, it was like a dust storm. The road that we drove on was being completely reconstructed so there was alot of construction and delays making our trip even longer. We met a guy named Thomas who is from France and is staying in La Penitas for a couple months to surf. He told us about some good places to stay and where to surf.
Looking outside of the chicken bus going to La Penitas
Me, Erika and Anna enjoying the ride
After the 45min bus ride we got off the bus to try and find a place to stay. The roads were all dirt and most of the building were abandoned, leaving a small percent of the town occupied. Looking through the houses and buildings we could see the beach and tell that there were pretty good waves, but for now we needed to find a place to stay. After walking around the whole town, we discovered that there were no more rooms.We couldnt really figure out what to do so we stopped to eat something.
There was a very annoying bird at the restaurant, it made me want chicken!
After we ate we decided to head to the beach. When we got to the beach we could see that the waves were amazing. They were about head high and so hollow that you could almost put a small car in the barrel. I was stoked, but we still needed a place to stay. We met a guy named Carlos who was fixing some surfboards. After talking with him for a bit, he told us that we could stay in his bar if we wanted to, but there was no water and no bathrooms. It turned out that he had a small hut that was raised off the sand about 10ft that he was turning into a bar (The Coco Bar). We quickly accepted and thanked him for extending his floor to us. We went up to check out our new home and it was amazing. There were no walls and the floor was made of 1inch thick sticks. The whole thing was made of wood with a thatched roof. He found us some rope so we could hang our hammocks and we started settling in. He had speakers wired around the room and he had some good island music playing which made the atmosphere even more inviting. Since we were only about 100ft from the ocean we decided to take a dip and test out the waters. The temperature was perfect and it felt so good to be back in the Pacific again. There is something about the pacific that makes the water light and fluffy, it is delicious. We body surfed the inside beach break for about an hour then got out to watch the sun go down. There was not a cloud in the sky and the sun looked like a big scoop of orange sherbet... I just wanted to put it in a bowl and eat it. After the sun went down Carlos let us use his kitchen to cook some pasta that we had from Leon and we ran into Thomas (the french guy) again. As it turned out he was also staying with carlos. We all sat around and talked for a while then headed back up stairs to get some rest and see what tomorrow had in store for us.
Laying in my hammock in the Coco Bar waiting for the sun to retire.
Dylan and Erika enjoying the evening breeze
The Coco Bar where we stayed
Swinging in my hammock


  1. you guys have fun. Will have to be in grind in couple days. Be careful and good.Give Erica and Dylan my best and am praying for you all.

    that's all i have to say,

  3. Nice,,, im sure mom almost peed her pants when she read that! Keep you posts as interesting as this last one and i may start reading them.
