Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Nicaragua Day 8

Last night we slept pretty well. There was a party going on until about 2am but our bodies need for sleep eventually overcame the other distractions. It was a little hot at first but the temparature slowly cooled and we drifted off into our dreams. We went up to the roof of the hostel and watched the waves break for a while. They are bigger today (3 or 4 ft overhead) and very fast and dumpy. There are a few locals out surfing but we still havent found anybody that will rent a board thats bigger than 5ft. Everyone always says that when you go to central america to surf, you always have the spot to yourself. I never fully understood how this was possible until I saw it for myself. There are miles of pristine coastline and hundreds of surf breaks with not a single person taking advantage of it. I will definitelly bring my boards back next time. We ate breakfast (rice, beans, and eggs) which was very the same thing that we have been eating for the last week, but I am really enjoying the simplicity, and originality of their food. Keeping to our previous routines, we went down to the beach for some more body surfing and beach fun. After digging a big hole and putting dylan in it we took some pictures and headed back for dinner.
After putting dylan in his place
Digging the Hole

Enjoying the beach
Erika laying in a hammock just outside our room
The view from our porch
Dylan, Erika and Anna ordered a fried fish (the fish was whole, eyes and all), but since Im not to keen on fish I just stuck with my rice and beans. They all enjoyed their aquatic meal and we went back and slept a while longer. We got up just in time for the sunset, erika and I walked down the beach and I took some pictures. After the sun was completely gone, erika and anna got rushed by a couple local girls who made them sit down in the sand and started putting bracelets on them and telling them how beautiful they looked. They resisted buying anything for a few minutes but after about 10min they finally gave in and baught something from them.

Following Anna's footprints down the beach
Just before the sun went down
Waves crashing on the rocks
Erika and I enjoying our last sunset
More rocks and more water
Sitting on the rocks watching the colors
Waves rushing back out to sea
The moon finally came out
The waves beckoning me to come with them to the sea.
Erika answering the call of the ocean

the ocean mist

We went back to the Coco bar and hung out with Carlos and Thomas for while longer then went and got some ice cream before bed. It was a great snack just before our last real night in Nicaragua. No body is very happy about leaving but there is a sense of responsibility to finishing school that is making it easier. We all know that once we get through school we can come back and spend more time traveling but for now, we have responsibilities to attend to.
Our last night in the Coco Bar

Nicaragua Day 7

Last night was a little cold (there are no walls in the coco bar letting in all the wind) but we still slept very well. I woke up this morning to the sound of waves crashing on the beach just a few yards away from where we slept. The sun was just creeping up over the horizon so I got up and walked along the beach while everyone else slept.
Erika curled up in her hammock
A view of the Coco Bar from outside
The footprint of america
Just packing our things
Carlos working on a board that a local broke!

Carlos told us this morning that he was planning on opening his bar tonight so we could not stay there anymore, we were kinda bummed cause it was such a nice place to sleep but we understood and ended up finding a room at a place called the Barca De Oro (loosely translated, boat of gold). We ate breakfast there and about half way through, the owner came to talk to us. Apparently there was a mistake and they only had 3 beds available. She said that since it was their mistake that she would let one of us sleep in a hammock for free. FREE? we were ok with that. We accepted and finished our food. We put down our bags and took a nap for a little while since the temperature had risen to an uncomfortable degree. We eventually made it back to the beach and got in the water for another hour or so, and had much fun in the waves and sun. We got out and walked down the beach for about a mile and then back. Erika still wanted more sun so i stayed with her while dylan and anna went back to the hostel. We layed on the beach while the golden rays rained down onto our bodies until we were full of this sweet fruit called sunshine. We went back to the hostel and rinsed our salt soaked bodies in some fresh water and then lounged in some hammocks until it was dinner time. We walked down the road about 40ft to a small bar and ordered pizza which took a very long time to make, but when your at a place like this, your never in a hurry. We got back to the hostel and are now just waiting for the town to settle into the night and permit us sleep.